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💫 Feel comfortable in your clothes, bloat free

💫 Feel confident enough to wear a bikini

💫 Feel more connected and intimate with your partner

I'm Needing Help


🍃 Feel in control of what you eat and how much

🍃 Reduce sugar cravings by learning which foods feed pathogenic bacteria 

🍃 Feel confident to make simple swaps that satisfy the craving for sweet treats

Yes Please!!


☀️Return to the version of you that has a zest for life, that get up and go!

☀️Enjoy being in the kitchen cooking up new recipes that taste delicious

☀️Empowerment to bring your body back to balance after weekends, holidays and splurges

This Is Exactly What I Need
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Hi I'm Vicky, Mother of 2 living in SA.  

I am a Wholefood Chef and Food Coach. I love helping women to understand the power of wholefoods in healing the gut and experiencing amazing energy, a flat stomach, effortless weightless, robust immunity, glowing skin and so much more.

I experienced over 10 years of IBS, acne, regular tonsilitis and psoriasis, not to mention digestive complaints and fatigue. I learnt how to use wholefoods to heal my gut, and my whole life changed. 

I have teamed with our Naturopath to give you continuity of care and supercharge your results. So you too can see improvements in energy, skin health, weight loss, immunity and so much more.

You will have access to my support via our group coaching call, and the option to add private Food Coaching sessions along your journey.

Vicky x

Hi, I’m Kathryn. Do you need help improving your gut, energy and immune health? If so, I’d love to help you. 

I’m a Naturopath and have been working with people for the last 18 years to improve their gut health, including issues with indigestion, bloating, IBS, SIBO, food intolerances and parasites.

I believe the gut is the foundation of our health and if we can restore it to optimal functioning, we see improvements in energy, mental health, immunity and vitality.”

Kathryn is available for a Complimentary Express Naturopathic Consult via zoom where she will assess your history and give suggestions for your lifestyle as well as practitioner grade supplements to support your body to function optimally.

"I've lost 15kg and honestly never felt better!! Working with Vicky was fantastic! I've gained a lot of powerful knowledge to help assist me and my family with better gut health and food choices. I now know what triggers bloating for me. ” 


"I am in a bikini for the first time ever! I now feel amazing in my body! 

I have loved every minute of Vicky's Course. She has given me so much information about foods and recipes that help reduce bloating and support my gut health!"


"Before I started Vicky’s amazing course, I was struggling with insane bloating. I have noticed my bloating has reduced significantly, I am so much more aware of how different foods make me feel and which ones I should avoid!"


21 Day Reset Inclusions:

Gut Healing Package
The Gut Healing Recipes, Meal Plans and Shopping Lists provided take the guess work out and save you time

Digestion and Gut Health Resources
These Videos, Cooking Demo's and How to Guides have everything you need to deepen your knowledge and give you the skills to cook nourishing wholefoods that will help to heal the gut.

Naturopathic Consult
After completing an online form, Kathryn will assess your full history, then meet with you 1:1 via Zoom for an express consult. She will offer relevant diet and lifestyle recommendations, as well as suggestions for practitioner grade supplements should you choose.

Group Coaching 

This support is invaluable when navigating a new journey like this. You will be able to ask questions and share your wins in the Live Fortnightly Coaching. You receive 2 weeks complimentary and then the option to continue on after.


Optional Add On: Food Coaching Consult
This session will provide you with a deeper level of support if the group is not enough. It is perfect for you if you like (or need) accountability and private support, or if changes need to be made to your meal plans. Vicky will discuss your results with Kathryn to offer you continuity of care and a deeper level of support. Add on at checkout.

 All accessible on an App, in language you can understand. 
No more time spent searching for recipes online.
Or Googling "how to heal your gut"

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What Clients Are Saying...

"I've felt less bloated...had more energy, and less sugar cravings. I'm really excited to cook recipes now because I know they are going to support me and my health journey”


“Overall, I've got less bloating, more energy and clearer skin. It's been fantastic!”


“My kids have got a happier Mumma - less stressed and snappy!”


“It's given me the knowledge needed to make small and simple changes to better support me and my family.” 


"There was so much value in the course. So much love for what you do Vicky xx”


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Frequently Asked Questions

 Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I really think everyone should know this so we can all be feeding ourselves and our families properly.

   I continually refer to your recipes which are easy to adapt depending on what’s in the fridge and to the course guide when I can’t remember the “why’s”. The demo videos are really helpful and have inspired me to try exploring and cooking new foods like sauerkraut, pickles and relishes. 

Forever grateful ❤️




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Support During Your Journey

You Glow Girl will offer you inspiration, support and accountability during this course so that you can implement your learnings!

Trial it for free for 14 days- simply add on at checkout.

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